What is Deborah Geeking Over This Week Vol 7

All these rocked my world this week:

When I saw this trailer in the theaters, I didn’t understand it or have a desire to see it as I had never seen the originals. But then I got free tickets to a preview showing and thought what the heck. I brought my friend who was a HUGE fan of the originals. And guess what? We both really enjoyed it! It’s a lot of fun and adrenaline and honestly one of the softest R movies I’ve ever been to and the female characters are FANTASTIC. Go see it!

I’ve listened to this song for a few years but recently it’s been on non stop repeat. Like I’ll go to bed with this playing in the background. I’ve even gone so far and written a story based on how this song makes me feel. Never to be read by other eyes but it’s had that much influence.

I’ve been trying to eat more healthy these days (and it seems to be working somewhat!) and this means I’ve been eating more salads for my lunch. Yesterday I went to Chick-fil-a and go this, the market grill salad. I used only a bit of the berry vinaigrette dressing and didn’t add the granola or nuts (saved them for snacks) and it was extremely filling for the low amount of calories! I am learning however that eating healthier means paying more. Sigh.

I got a hair cut (which no one seems to have noticed but when you have long hair, 4 inches isn’t that much) and I needed to do something with it so I got this. Yes I realize it says blonde on the bottle but I’ve actually used a lot John Frieda blonde stuff in the past and liked it. This one is good for texturizer plus it has a nice scent and it makes me feel like my hair has just gone to the beach.

I have a thing for Chris Pratt right now. He’s just fantastic in everything. And yes I enjoyed him BEFORE he got all buff in Guardians because he was excellent in Parks and Rec and all his earlier stuff too. But, look at him in a suit! And he’s a great dad too! If I were to make a movie about my life, I would cast Chris Pratt in it. There may be a celeb fangirling post soon…..


Getting Mad at Inanimate Objects

Does anyone else have this happen to them?

You know that feeling.

When you stub your toe on a door.

When you’re putting on a shirt and you cannot get it over your head.

When you bump into the corner of a table.

When you open the fridge and a jar of something falls out and explodes.

When you’re walking and you trip over a bit of sidewalk that magically jumps out at you.

It’s extremely frustrating because it always seems as if these objects come alive simply to just to attack you.

Sure you can always blame it on you being clumsy or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But I swear that certain objects move and have a mind of their own.

Just ask that dish that fell off the shelf when NO ONE WAS AROUND IT.


These are a few of my favorite feelings

Don’t lie. You know you love when these things happens. Or else you’re just weird.

(This is probably going to be the most Buzzfeed type of post you’ll ever see on here so apologies in advance but….it’s also my blog, my rules right?)

When you get home from work and can take off your pants.

When you are famished and you eat those first few bites of food.

When you get to that rest stop because you drank too much coffee to keep you up during your road trip.

When you finally brush your teeth to get rid of that icky morning feeling.

When you can just give into a nap and not have to fight to keep yourself awake.

When you find a blanket to pull over you to give you insta-warmth.

When you get butterflies in your stomach because your crush responds in a positive way.

When you genuinely are laughing out loud and can’t stop.

It’s the best isn’t it?


What Has Deborah Been Geeking Over This Week Vol 6

This week’s edition of what I got SUPES EXCITED over:

If you have Netflix and you like to laugh, then why haven’t you watched this show yet? It’s super funny, the writing is by Tina Fey and Ellie Kemper is adorable.

Truth, I’ve been slack about eating my vitamins lately. Even bigger truth, I like gummy candies. So gummy vitamins are one of the best things ever invented, no? It’s like eating candy but not so sweet that I want to down the whole bottle. Because you know, I don’t want to die.

As you can imagine, I’m horribly excited for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron when it hits theaters in about a month and a week. Look at how much Hawkeye is in this clip. And Quicksilver’s accent! And EVERYTHING. WHY ISN’T IT MAY NOW?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mumford & Sons (we all know how much “I Will Wait” is my anthem) but I’ve been listening to their albums non stop so I was thrilled to hear they have new music. And listen to the shift away from the banjos! This is glorious and I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album when it comes out.


This weekend is the season 2 finale of The Musketeers, which I cover for Entertainment Weekly. If you watched the last episode, then you know Rochefort has gone bat-shit crazy. I have NO idea how the season is going to end, if someone is going to die, if it ends on a cliffhanger or what. The best part is for some reason, the US is seeing it BEFORE the UK does so NO ONE knows what is going to happen. If you’re on Twitter tomorrow night around 9, I’ll be live tweeting.

Don’t worry, I’m still enjoy drinking beer but I’ve also really started to enjoy craft root beers made from beer breweries. They are non alcoholic but they taste so much better than regular soda. Interestingly I still get carded for these when I buy them.


What is Deborah Geeking Over This Week Vol. 5

Gosh it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but here we go:


It’s not Superman ice cream but damn it, if I love artificially blue colored ice cream. This is a cotton candy flavored ice cream mixed with other things. Also ice cream is best enjoyed in winter.


I’ve been wanting this book since 2000. I am now finally the proud owner of it. Seriously, dream come true. My 16 year old self is freaking out right now.


This was my library haul the other day. The sad/good part is that I still have 11 books on hold I need to pick up. Holla!

Last year I raved about the garlic tuscan bread from Wegmans. While I still love it, I decided to try out something new. Which led me to randomly choosing their jalepeno cheese bread. Holy crap! While I normally don’t like hot stuff, this was DELICIOUS. There are whole pepper slices in here. And cheese. And it’s bread. NOM NOM NOM.

Lately I’ve found myself expanding my beer tastes even further and I’ve discovered that I really enjoy a good coffee stout. The more coffee taste the better. This is the most recent one that I’ve tried that I enjoy. Look at me, trying out new things.

But going back to old things, Blink 182’s been in the news a lot the past week due to Tom DeLonge may or may not be quitting/being kicked out of the band. I have always had a HUGE crush on him since….I was 15? So let’s think of happier times with an old school pic of my crush.


The Year of Making Lemons into Lemonade


This week, my posts will be taking a look back at 2014 and looking forward to 2015.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

That is pretty much how I could sum up 2014. But we’re not going to focus on the worst of times today (or any time at all this week). We’re going to look back and see the good that happened to me this year.

  • Became a contributor to Entertainment Weekly
  • Got favorited, retweeted AND replied to by Josh Groban on Twitter.
  • Also was replied to by John Cho on Twitter.
  • Saw Josh Groban twice in concert. (Sadly he did not see me)
  • Got to be bridesmaid for the first time and saw two of my best friends get married to each other.
  • Was quoted in an article for the Wall Street Journal.
  • Had to get used to being called and referring to myself “Aunt Debbie” (unofficial aunt, not actual aunt) to one of the cutest babies ever
  • Finally got to visit Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and was able to cross off another item from my bucket list.
  • Went to my first MLS game.
  • Got to dog sit/house sit several times throughout the year and was able to pretend I owned a house for a while.
  • I ran my first 5k.
  • Actually played D&D for the first time and beheaded a sleeping wolf.
  • Won a crap ton of stuff during the summer. (Too many to list)
  • Saw Buzz Aldrin in person.
  • Did a Goose Island scavenger hunt in DC for my birthday. (Did not win but two of my best friends got 2nd place and a staycation!)
  • Was surprised by my girlfriends with a birthday dinner. (Seriously, was completely caught off guard)
  • Tried many fantastic beers throughout the year. (Too many to list)
  • Received a “signed photo” of Paul McDonald as a Christmas present
  • Saw Guardians of the Galaxy a total of five times in theaters. (And it was wonderful each and every time)
  • Saw God work in my life a lot. (More about that on Wednesday)
  • Got a job that I absolute love. #blessed

So all in all, I’d have to say that it was a pretty good year. (Still didn’t get to learn how to be Katniss but whatevs. Over it.) I’m hoping that 2015 will bring in a lot of new adventures (good ones) and I’m ready to face them all.

Also for fun and giggles these were the top 5 posts on this blog for 2014.

  1. When Someone is Mad at You and You Don’t Know Why
  2. Trusting God When Things Seem Impossible
  3. That Time that God Hit Me in the Head
  4. For the Love of Superman Ice Cream
  5. Celeb Fangirling: The Josh Groban edition

Actually it makes me sad at how many people have come across the first post. It seems A LOT of people have felt that same way.


My Random Grown Up Christmas List

Christmas is this week. Geez, that came super fast.

I still have NOT finished my shopping yet. This is the worst I’ve ever done. But it’ll all come through. I’m not worried.

To me personally, Christmas means celebrating the birth of Christ, spending time with family, and giving to others.  I stopped believing in Santa when I was 5 years old. We were on a field trip and the place we went to had a Santa. I asked him for a Barbie soda shoppe:

The trick was I didn’t tell anyone else that year. My parents didn’t know I wanted it and I never told a single other person. The best part was I didn’t even really wanted it. I just wanted to see if Santa really was going to bring me it. Well, as you can guess that soda shoppe did NOT appear under the Christmas tree that year and so I knew the truth. There was no such thing as Santa Claus. I became a wiser 5 year old after that.

However just for funsies (yes, I did just say that), if I did decide to write a list to Santa 26 years later these are things that would be on it. And because it’s me and because it’s a Monday, randomness.

Fingerless gloves.

Don’t ask, I just want them. And not the ones that don’t actually separate the fingers either.

A flat screen TV.

We all know how literally tiny and old my current TV is. So ANY thing bigger and flatter than that is good.

Kitchen Aid Mixer.

Yeah this is something that normally goes on a wedding registry. But dang it, I missed out the first time, can’t guarantee a second time, and gosh darn it I like to cook and bake.

Gift cards.

Surprisingly, I rarely ever get gift cards as a gift and would be thrilled to get some but no one ever seems to think of these in regards to me.

And with that this is my last post for this week. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

I’ll see y’all next week for some end of the year recaps, thoughts, lists, etc.


Questions that Need Answering

Last week I asked readers of this blog to ask me questions. People love AMAs on Reddit and Twitter so I thought ok, I haven’t talked about EVERYTHING on this blog. Surely folks would be interested in finding out new things about me that I haven’t thought of yet. Plus it’d be fun to interact with the readers. I’ve seen other folks do it on their blog with great success.

But then….*crickets*. No one asked anything. I waited patiently for the questions to roll in and *silence*. I felt like a blogging failure. Was I that boring? Was no one reading my blog? Why did I even bother? It honestly even crossed to my mind to just give up completely on writing anymore in here because obviously no one cared at all. Along with other things that had been going in my life, it just made for a very bad week.

I sucked it up however. And eventually got some questions. And I am not giving up. I enjoy blogging. I write well. And even if no one else reads this, I’m doing this for me.

So here we go!

Favorite super hero?

So most people will just awesome I’m going to say Hawkeye. And I will admit that this would seem like a logical answer given my track record. But in reality it is not. The surprising answer is actually Batman. Whaaaaaaaa?

How did you become a Christian?

This is the short answer: I was 8 years old and said the prayer in our family’s spare bedroom next to my dad’s exercise machine. But then because I wasn’t sure if I had actually done the right thing, I kept repeating it yearly until I turned 14 and actually realized that I didn’t need to repeat the prayer over again “just in case.”

You can only eat one thing for the rest of your life. What is it?

Hmm. I will assume that I will remain healthy and that the only thing that would be troublesome would just be tired of the taste. Since you only mentioned eating, I also will assume then that I can drink as many things as possible. Therefore I will go with bread. Mmmmmm bread.

What are your goals for your life?

To read as many books as possible, visit London one day, and to get Josh Groban to follow me on Twitter.

How can girls and women become more involved in STEM?

I am going to assume that the question is referring to STEM as in “the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” This is a very interesting question considering I used to be an engineering major and had to quit because it got too hard for me. It wasn’t because I didn’t enjoy the subjects, it was because I was not prepared in my high school for college level courses in this field. Educators should encourage young girls who show any interest in science or math and show that these subjects can be cool as early as possible. Of course there’s nothing wrong with the liberal arts as well. But if you do have interests in science and math, keep at it because we need more women in those fields.

How has your personal faith and belief in the supernatural limited you and how has it liberated you?

Ehrm, to be honest I don’t really think about this. I don’t like thinking about ghosts and stuff like that because they are either 1) a non issue that I don’t spend time on and 2) if I think about it too much I can scare myself. I recognize that demons and stuff can happen but they aren’t really a factor in my life (and hope they won’t be after writing this) so therefore I don’t spend time on this.

How would you reach out to people who have been hurt and/or ostracized by the church, local and/or universal?

It’s always sad when someone who has a genuine faith and desire to know the Lord gets hurt by those in the church. And more often than not, it’s not by something actually in the Bible but by people instead. Christians can sometimes be the most judgmental, hateful people ever. It’s really sad because instead of loving others like we are supposed to, we turn them away from the faith instead. That being sad, all I can do is just love and listen to them and be there for them when they need me.

What’s your favorite part of working in a library?

I’m surrounded by books ALL day! People seem to think that it’s a boring job and just like any job there are some boring moments. But I enjoy interacting with different people all day and get to talk about reading and books.

Who is your favorite female author and why?

This is actually kind of hard because I read so many authors. There are some authors who have written over 150 books that I’ve read while others I’ve read just the one. I’m going to have to go with J.K. Rowling. Even though I have not read any of her adult books and am not sure that I will, the Harry Potter series is my favorite book series of all time and will be so until I die. It’s just a damn good book series and written beautifully.

Thanks to everyone who sent in questions!


Ask Me Anything. Seriously.

It’s that time of year where I like to make sure that I actually have readers out there. *crickets*

I talk a lot on this blog. A lot of times it feels like I’m talking to myself but that’s ok. That’s what blogging is about. Every now and then I’ll get some comments which are always fantastic. But usually it’s just me. Talking. To everyone and possibly no one.

But as someone once told me “interaction is so appreciated.”

So here’s your chance to ask me anything. Seriously. Anything you want to know. Anything you’ve ever wanted to ask me. Burning questions you’ve always been wanting to know or ones that just popped in your head as you read this.

I’ll even make it anonymous so that way you don’t have to tell me who you are and won’t have to worry about me finding out who you are (unless of course you ask something so specific that I’ll know it was you).

Disclaimer: I do have to right to not answer questions that I find horribly offensive. I enjoy playing Cards Against Humanity so I’m pretty laid back but I do have a line and if you cross that line, I’m not going to answer it.

I also reserve the right to answer questions with snark and sarcasm if I feel like it.

Next Monday I’ll have a post with the questions and my responses to them. If you don’t see a post that means no one submitted a question. (sad trombone) Also, in order to have a post, I need at least two questions. So that may be the other reason. You’ll never know either way. (Unless of course you actually DID submit a question and you see there was no post. Then I suppose you, question asker, will know you were the only one.)

Make them good, people. It’s your only chance. Don’t let me down.

Top Image from: http://irelandhoran.deviantart.com/art/Ask-me-anything-368566530


What is Deborah Geeking Over This Week Vol. 4

Here’s this week’s edition of what I’ve been excited over:

Yes. I saw Guardians of the Galaxy for the fourth time this week. I had a free birthday pass and none of the current movies playing was of any interest. But this is such an awesome movie that it was just as good the fourth time as the first three times. And in case you’re wondering, I still have seen The Avengers more times.

Just saw The Maze Runner last night at a free advanced screening. Interesting concept, enjoyed about 90% of the execution. If I was a teenage girl, it’d be eye candy heaven. At any rate, I think I want to read the books.

I also want to shout out that the Alamo Drafthouse is the best theater ever and if you have one in your region, you need to stop going to all those other big chains. Seriously.

Sadly my exact meal from Cracker Barrel but it was pretty freakin close. There are some of you who will disagree but nothing says comfort food like a meal from them.

I think I just discovered my new favorite beer. It tastes nothing like beer but more like juice. “Like communion juice!” as one of my friends put it. Seriously it’s deliciously tasty and refreshing on a hot late summer day. Yes, you may think it’s girly but I don’t care.

I went out and got fitted for new running shoes. These from New Balance have made a big difference and my feet don’t hurt as much. Also pretty $$ but it’s an investment right?

One of my birthday gifts was a giant jar of Nutella and well…it may already be half gone……